Welcome to Our Casa Guri. So glad to have you here! We are a mixed-race and mixed-culture family living in the Midwest. The name of the blog came from the words Home and House in Spanish and Somali – Our Home House. I am a native of Somalia, and my husband is from a multicultural background – white and Latino. 

Our Casa Guri is about my views and experiences as a wife and mom. I do not have a writing style, nor do I write on a schedule. I write about raising our three children, our life as a special needs family, and the ups and downs of motherhood.  I write to reflect on my growth. I write as the subject of my own thoughts and feelings to reflect on the woman I am today. 

My page is new and will probably go through some changes as I figure out where my focus on the blog will be. I have a passion for interior design and a passion for my family. For now, you will see a majority of topics and posts on this. I hope you can join me in my little corner of the world and hope to connect with you through comments on the posts or via social media. 

Join me in my free space of reflection and development as a woman, wife, mom, and advocate.

– Peace and blessings

Let’s connect!

Could you email me at ourcasaguri@ourcasaguri.com?   

Follow along on Instagram HERE